IPADs In Stock

Saturday, December 10, 2011

What Will Be New About the 2nd Generation Apple iPad?

The Apple iPad has only been around since April of this year, but it's already had quite an impact.

Apple had estimated that they would sell 1 million iPads a month after launch, demand was much stronger than anticipated and has been much stronger than supply ever since launch.

Apple Ipad2

According to market research company DisplaySearch the iPad has eaten in to the personal computer market so much already that mini-notebook shipments in the last quarter were 13% lower than the year before because of the Apple iPad.

Of course this hasn't gone unnoticed by electronics manufacturers around the globe who have been rushing to get their own tablets on the shelves. Already Samsung are bringing out the Galaxy tablet, RIM have confirmed the Blackberry tablet OS and others are hot on their heels. So it will come as no surprise that Apple are planning a 2nd Generation Apple iPad to keep ahead of the game.

Rumours of the iPad 2 (as it has been named by many) have been growing now for a couple of months and most commentators are agreed that we will see the 2nd generation iPad launched early in 2011. But what will it have that the 1st Generation iPad doesn't?

Business analysts, telecoms experts and tech geeks the world over have been joining the dots to try and work out just what Apple fans will get.

Front facing camera - I think this has to be a definite and most agree. Facetime the one-touch Video calling software is already available on the new iPod Touch and the iPhone 4 and the next natural step is to make it available on the iPad.

More Connectivity - Many have moaned about the lack of a USB port, but it's unlikely that Apple would install this. They have made good income from licensing docking products that fit the Apple connector that is prevalent across its devices. More likely is that the 2nd Generation Apple iPad will have a 2nd Apple Connector that allows you to dock the device while in landscape mode.

Smart Bezel - This is the name the blogosphere has given it already. Patent chasers have identified a patent from Apple that sees an extra control/input area being added to the iPad in addition to its single front-facing button. The 'bezel' is takes up the bottom left corner of the device, but it's unclear right now whether the bezel is a push button or touch area.

More power - There have been a number of leaks that suggest that the iPad 2 will ship with the new ARM Cortex A9 processor increase the tablet's capabilities.

Less bulk - The patent chasers have also got their hands on some sketches that suggest the 2nd Generation Apple iPad will definitely be thinner than the original to make it easier to hold in one hand. Apple fans will also hope that it's a bit lighter for the same reason.

Is that it? Well that's all the rumour mill has to offer at the moment, but it would definitely take the iPad on to another level and almost definitely keep it ahead of its rivals, for the moment at least.

What Will Be New About the 2nd Generation Apple iPad?

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