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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

iPhone 2 Prices - The Cost Of Loss Best Buy The Apple iPhone 2 with three SKU numbers

This weekend, the iPhone 2 Prices were released at Best Buy with a hidden source. The images have been published shows the price range from $ 599 to $ 699 is really exciting information, but what that tells us the new iPhone 2?

We already know that the iPhone 2 will have a host of new features. One of the biggest things that everyone knows is so pretty sure that there is a camera from the front. The reason why they are adding this is to go with new Apple FaceTimeApplication. This should be possible to use your iPhone 2 to share with people on computers, iPhone, iPod Touch, iPhone and iPhone 2 talk. What else is going to be on iPhone 2?

Apple Ipad2

There should be a mini-USB port, so you can connect several accessories for the iPhone 2 ° I suspect that this is the beginning of many new devices with direct push to connect the Apple iPhone 2 and other products Apple.

The other big news is that the button on the front of the iPhone will be removed.This is done to make more screen space. Instead of pressing a button to operate the system with a five-fingered gesture. This goes hand in hand with the obsession with the interaction of Apple makes their products more innovative and unique.

To sum up, basically you know that the iPhone 2 will not be cheap. If you have an iPhone and want to get 2, which would suggest a normal iPhone sell it now so you can get your money if you spend money for the new AppleIPhone Price 2. It should be quite reasonable if you just how powerful the iPhone is 2 may actually be. I'm sure you are excited as I am to see him.

iPhone 2 Prices - The Cost Of Loss Best Buy The Apple iPhone 2 with three SKU numbers

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