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Saturday, May 14, 2011

How will the battle of Apple V Affect Android Mobile Marketing?

Android is eating up market share in an alarmingly fast on his way to the top of the world's mobile OS, but if at all interested in mobile trends, you probably already knew. But to win while Android went, what you may not know is the impact of this trend could be the one that has become common practice among advertisers and companies that want to exploit this new frontier of media. Since the growth of Android stronger than that of Apple, even after the publication ofiPhone 4 months, only, always the question when the day began with the mobile marketing for brands native app or a mobile website?-no longer seems appropriate for the situation of the mobile market.

Those iPhone Apps (instead of mobile websites) built an early lead on the substantial growth in the market now, when it is intensified for market share, tied to the fate of Apple as competition. In order to better articulate the problem with the creation of native applications like the mobile marketremain fragmented, let me first some 'background information. The biggest obstacle to the growth of Apple right now, and what to grab more market authorized Android is that the distribution channels are very limited for the iPhone. In the U.S., AT & T isstillthe only wireless carrier that the iPhone sold. iPhone, after months of rumors that Verizon is in the works on AT & T thesolecarrier for the Apple iPhone and then provide only distributionChannel. Meanwhile, Android devices from all major airline in the U.S., including Verizon, AT & T, Sprint and T-Mobile, the Android platform is available for many other mobile applications. That is, despite the wild popularity of the iPhone, unless and until Apple can work is the other major U.S. carriers to deploy the device, launched to keep IOS in the ceiling when it comes to global market share. And so the advertisers that their cars blockedStern on the iPhone.

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If Apple takes the necessary steps to recover the market share (for example, expanding the distribution channels of iPhone) they need, in the meantime, companies to reconsider their strategies for further progress on the mobile web. In the past, a device-centric marketing campaign was not necessarily a bad idea before the rise of the Android operating system and its acceptance by consumers and carriers alike, iPhone owners were worth Targeting the audienceand through mobile advertising, or developing a house brand platform application IOS.

But companies that iPhone apps do not realize how soon the elections would be their involvement in the coming months and years have issued limits. Today is looking for advertisers to market (and viewers) segmentation by weight of options to mobilize critical. And in many cases, unless there is some circumstantial reason to believe that iPhone owners a qualified public orthe one with more purchasing power, it is difficult in the case of an application for the iPhone, which will cost more to develop and implement final in less than a quarter of all mobile users to do.

If current trends are any prediction, the mobile market will remain fragmented, as each platform grows and evolves separately from the others. This means more than to advertisers and companies that segmentation and mobile users on all platforms do, the best option currently available on siteMobilization. While there are some situations where the construction of an app to be profitable, customers can be when it comes to the mobile market today for your business on the Internet to the broadest audience, the mobilization site is clearly the best solution. With a mobile website marketing, companies and individuals around issues of fragmentation of the platform for the work, and begin to involve the public in general.

How will the battle of Apple V Affect Android Mobile Marketing?

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